
Eindhoven Airport takes its responsibility and contributes to more sustainable aviation and wants to set an example by focusing our efforts on significantly reducing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. We practice what we preach in all scopes to be a credible partner in the dialogues about making aviation more sustainable in balance with a healthy living environment.   

The first steps towards sustainability have been taken and we plan to do even more. Read our commitment on sustainability. accelerating sustainability as we approach 2030: 30% less noise exposure and CO2. And view also the map and discover the concrete steps Eindhoven Airport is taking to make aviation more sustainable. 

Discover how we are improving sustainability

Curious about the steps we are taking at Eindhoven Airport to become more sustainable? Check it out on the map.

At the airport

By 2030, our airport will be emission-free and waste-free. To achieve this, we work closely with our partners. We produce the energy we consume from wind, sun and soil.

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In the air

As part of the Royal Schiphol Group, Eindhoven Airport is also committed to making aviation more sustainable. We believe that flying sustainably, with fewer emissions and therefore less impact on the environment and the living environment, is possible.

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Sustainable living environment

We are proud of the region and we want to add value to this region. That's why we believe in a sustainable living environment where good living, working and recreation is important.

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Sustainable transport to and from the airport

Eindhoven Airport considers it important that the airport is easily and quickly accessible. Sustainability is also important here. That is why we encourage the use of sustainable alternatives to travel to and from the airport.

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What can you do for the environment?

Together we can make aviation more sustainable. The aviation sector has made agreements to reduce the impact of flying on the environment and is taking numerous measures to achieve this. You can also make your contribution. What can you as a traveler do to reduce your footprint?

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Noise pollution

If you have questions or complaints about the air traffic, please leave a comment, question or complaint at

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