

Eindhoven Airport among the first ten airports with the highest certificate for CO2 reduction of its own activities

Eindhoven Airport has reduced CO2 emissions from its own operations by at least 90%. It has also committed itself to net zero emissions from air traffic at/from Eindhoven Airport in 2050. Eindhoven Airport has thus achieved the highest level of Airport Carbon Accreditation. On reaching this milestone, Eindhoven Airport and nine other airports including Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and Rotterdam The Hague Airport received the newly launched and very ambitious Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) level 5 from industry organization Airports Council International (ACI) today during the United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai.

Roel Hellemons, CEO Eindhoven Airport: "Eindhoven Airport feels responsible to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all our activities, including air traffic. We have started to reduce the CO2 emissions of our own activities as much as possible and have also set ambitious targets for our entire scope 3 chain to achieve together with our partners. This shows that we are leading the way to really accelerate. We are therefore proud to have achieved, as one of the first airports in the world, ACA level 5 in recognition of all our efforts."

Olivier Jankovec, Director General of ACI EUROPE: "Since its launch back in 2009, Airport Carbon Accreditation has become the global standard for carbon management at airports - with 557 airports certified across 5 continents to date. While the programme’s requirements and structure have evolved overtime to reflect both science and societal expectations, the launch of Level 5 today marks a pivotal shift. The establishment of a reference framework for airports achieving and maintaining a net-zero carbon balance for emissions under their control reflects the fact that airports are starting to deliver on their net zero commitments. Crucially, Level 5 also pushes airports to extend their focus beyond those direct CO2 emissions, by following a comprehensive approach in measuring their scope 3 emissions and influencing their reduction towards net zero by 2050.” Level 5 signifies genuine business transformation, and I wholeheartedly congratulate the airports that has pioneered it and met all its stringent requirements.

Eindhoven Airport participated in a pilot this year to establish a frame of reference for a net zero carbon balance for airports. Eindhoven Airport achieved Level 5 by meeting a number of important and concrete requirements in reducing CO2 emissions:

  • An absolute CO2 emission reduction of at least 90 percent and committing as an airport to emission-free aviation by 2050 at the latest. Eindhoven Airport reduced its own CO2 emissions by no less than 97 percent (compared to 2010). The airport did this by taking energy-saving measures and switching to green electricity (since the end of 2012) and green gas (since 2018). Eindhoven Airport stimulates the reduction of CO2 through aviation by, among other things, charging lower port fees to airlines that use the latest generation of aircraft, by only allowing this generation of aircraft at Eindhoven Airport from 2030 onwards, and by stimulating the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by means of a financial compensation if airlines mix more than 20 percent of the kerosene refuelled at Eindhoven Airport with SAF.

  • A detailed Carbon Management Plan that describes how the airport will achieve its goals for reducing emissions. Eindhoven Airport has described this in detail in a Road Map.

  • A comprehensive CO2 footprint for scope 1 and 2 (direct and indirect emissions under the control of the airport) and all relevant categories of Scope 3 (indirect emissions outside the control of the airport such as aircraft emissions) according to the requirements of the GHG Protocol Scope 3 Guidance, in particular for all significant upstream and downstream activities of third parties - including airlines. Eindhoven Airport has submitted these and from now on submits its verified CO2 footprint calculations annually.

  • A Stakeholder Partnership Plan with milestones to be achieved to engage and encourage airlines and partner parties at the airport to reduce emissions. Ultimate goal is net zero emissions throughout the airport area.

  • Invest in projects to remove residual emissions (less than 10 percent of total scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions) from the atmosphere. Eindhoven Airport has chosen a reforestation project in Tanzania with the help of the Climate Neutral Group.

Airport Carbon Accreditation

Airport Carbon Accreditation is the only approved global airport carbon management certification program. The program independently assesses and recognizes airports' efforts to manage and reduce their carbon emissions through various levels of certification. Currently, more than 550 airports in all world regions are involved in airport climate efforts within the program. Eindhoven Airport is proud to have been part of this global initiative since 2009 and remains committed to excellence in carbon management.