Upgrade for the bicycle, motorbike and scooter parking facility in P1

Taking the bike or the (electric) scooter to work more often and thus contributing to greener transport. Eindhoven Airport is a big fan and wants to encourage more people. To make it more appealing for staff to leave their cars at home (more often) and come to work by bike, e-bike or scooter, the airport has upgraded its bicycle and scooter parking facility in P1. After all, getting more people on board starts with having proper facilities. The parking zone for scooters/mopeds and motorbikes is clearly marked inside the bicycle and scooter parking facility, and a separate area has been designated for shared scooters. There is even a repair kiosk that has all the tools you need to repair, adjust or change the tyre of your bicycle. Tyre repair kits can be purchased from vending machines in P1. These are equipped with a QR code that directs you to an instructional video on how to repair your tyre. Of course, the signage in the bicycle and scooter parking area (also for mopeds and motorbikes) is clearly recognisable in the Eindhoven Airport house style.  

Visitors and passengers also have access to the free parking area on the ground floor of the car park.