The people behind the scenes at Eindhoven Airport
For many, the vacations are over; others are still going out. With over 150,000 travelers (departing and arriving passengers) each week, Eindhoven Airport remains busy. The processes are running smoothly. This is partly thanks to the airport employees in front of and behind the scenes. But who are these employees and what do they do to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible? An inside look by some airport employees.
"Actually, we are the director. The people on set are there directly for the passengers and baggage handling," says Frédérique Portheine, Airport Operations Manager at Eindhoven Airport. Together with her immediate colleagues from Airport Operations, she is responsible for the daily operations at the airport. She keeps a sharp eye on whether the processes are running smoothly and whether the safety and security rules are being observed on the apron at all times. For example, she manages a calamity and monitors the deployment of the gates and/or baggage belts when it gets busy. She also reviews camera footage in case of a suspicious situation. In her work, she interacts daily with, for example, the control tower, handling agent, airport security, customs and the State Police. It all has to be streamlined. "We do everything for a happy passenger," she says.
Search Michael van der Kammen, duty manager at security company G4S at Eindhoven Airport alternates between working at Security Check and in the control room on a workday. For example, one part of the day he searches passengers and assesses X-ray images to see if there are any items in their hand luggage that are not allowed. The next part of the day he assesses the images from the countless cameras at the airport for anomalous situations. Not a day is the same. His secret? "Standing firm and staying calm and alert," he says. "We make sure planes can leave on time. So it is important that all processes-from the registration check of the aircraft, disembarkation and boarding; unloading and loading of suitcases and the exchange of information about numbers of passengers, luggage and fuel with the crew-are streamlined and done within the right time," says Flight Officer Ronny Balk who works for handling agent Viggo at Eindhoven Airport. As a marshaller, Ronny also escorts aircraft to the correct aircraft stand.
Special atmosphere Soraya Madero Cadenas, cleaning lady and cooperating foreman at CSU at Eindhoven Airport tackles all jobs and never turns her hand to anything. "Cleaning is more than just wiping the floor. And it's about the total package." According to Soraya, a clean toilet also includes a clean sink, clean floor and walls and a shiny mirror. Soraya enjoys her work in the terminal. "Working among the passengers gives a special atmosphere."
Living snails "I get to look inside every suitcase," says Mylène van Roosmalen-Nimberg, Physical Supervision Officer at Customs at Eindhoven Airport. Mylène randomly checks arriving and departing travelers. Live snails from Morocco, sausages from Bosnia, cheese and citrus fruits from Turkey, ancient figurines from Greece and large amounts of contact money or cigarettes; she has seen it all pass by. "Travelers take what they can and by no means always know the rules." Customs informs travelers in many ways about what they are allowed to bring. But it still remains tempting. Myléne: "According to them, it still tastes better if it comes from 'home country'."