

Soon you can travel between Eindhoven Airport and various cities with Flixbus

Bus transportation company Flixbus will soon offer daily bus transportation between Eindhoven Airport and various cities. The schedule starts in June and will be scaled up to Amsterdam-Brussels/Antwerp-Paris during the summer. During the summer and during the fall, the frequency and number of destinations will be further elaborated. Thereafter, the feasibility of expanding the number of Flixbus destinations from/to Eindhoven Airport with, for example, Hamburg, Munich and Berlin will be examined.    

By entering into this strategic cooperation, Eindhoven Airport serves as a mobility hub in which the airport and Flixbus meet the mobility needs of the Brainport region. Flixbus offers from/to Eindhoven Airport destinations that are not included in Eindhoven Airport's flight destination network partly for sustainability reasons. Through the agreement, the airport strengthens its contribution to the mobility needs of the region. In addition, the airport contributes even better to connecting the region.   

The airport offers travelers the opportunity to choose from various forms of mobility. In addition to its extensive network of flight destinations, a public transport busstation, electric share bikes and electric share scooters, bicycle facilities, cabs and car parking are available at the airport. So now bus services operated by Flixbus to and from various cities are being added to that.     

The Eindhoven Airport site lists which destinations from/to Eindhoven Airport are accessible via Flixbus.