

Oslo as first new Brainport destination now accessible

Transavia yesterday flew the first flight from Eindhoven Airport with Oslo as its final destination. The Norwegian capital was high on the Brainport region's wish list of destinations that are not yet accessible via Eindhoven Airport. In total, this list has twenty destinations. These include Munich, Zurich, Geneva, Berlin and Stockholm.   

Eindhoven Airport is in constant consultation with airlines to match their destination network as closely as possible to the needs of residents and businesses in the Eindhoven region. More than 80 destinations in Europe and beyond are already accessible from Eindhoven Airport. Including more than 20 capital cities and economic centers.  

Optimizing Eindhoven Airport's destination network is within the existing maximum permitted number of flight movements. No new slots will be issued. The airport is in constant dialogue with the airlines about this. With New Route Support, since last year the airport also has the possibility, under certain conditions, to provide a financial contribution to airlines that start flying to certain destinations that are coordinated with the region. Transavia is now the first airline to target a new Brainport destination in combination with New Route Support. The airline will fly between Eindhoven and Oslo three times a week from February 29, 2024 for a period of at least three years. 

Photo: Marcel de Nooijer, CEO Transavia and Mirjam van den Bogaard, COO Eindhoven Airport during an official moment at the opening of the new route.