

Even better management of regional needs with New Route Support

Eindhoven Airport is introducing a new tool to make the airport's destination network to meet the demand of businesses and residents in the region. With New Route Support, Eindhoven Airport provides a support to airlines that will fly to certain destinations selected by Eindhoven Airport. Transavia is the first airline to use New Route Support for the new destination Oslo (starting from February 2024).

Eindhoven Airport has a list of twenty destinations for which airlines can receive New Route Support. These include for instance Munich, Zurich, Geneva, Berlin and Stockholm, but is also a subject to a number of conditions. The destination is not yet offered by an airline operating at Eindhoven Airport. The airline has to fly to the destination at least twice a week for at least three years throughout the year. Destinations closer than 400 kilometers from Eindhoven Airport or destinations that can be reached within four hours by train, bus or car do not qualify for New Route Support.

No additional slots

Eligibility for New Route Support is on a first-come, first-served basis and there are no additional slots available for New Route Support. This means that airlines using New Route Support and thus adding a new destination from the NRS list has to fly less frequently to a current destination or to cancel a current destination. The maximum allowed number of flight movements per year at/from Eindhoven Airport will remain unchanged even when New Route Support is introduced.

Transavia will fly between Eindhoven and Oslo at least three times a week from February 29, 2024.