
Flying to Katowice

The capital of Silesia

Temperate continental climate

30 degrees

1 hour and 45 minutes

Where heavy industry predominates, architecture has little value. Production and cultivation have traditionally always been at odds. But when the calm returns, beautiful things can emerge. Like in Katowice, which is rediscovering itself. A cultural city is awakening...

Places to visit in Katowice

Katowice is situated in the south of Poland and is the capital of Silesia. From early days, it has served as the hub in a region dominated by coal mines, steel production and chemical industries. But the times are changing: industry is being privatised and businesses are investing in new technologies. The old days are over and Katowice has found new momentum. Not by rejecting the past, but by embracing it. After all, the city is an architectural goldmine. You'll be treated to an amazing variety of architectural styles when you take a tour through the city. It's a journey through the ages with all the different residences, public buildings and estates. Renaissance, Baroque, Art Nouveau, Modernism, Communism, and even a few Neo-Gothic structures are all there.

Discover Katowice

Katowice has made some clear choices in recent years. It has invested heavily in improving the liveability of the city centre: roads were closed to make way for wide promenades for pedestrians. Old squares were restored, new ones built. The city launched an architectural competition to stimulate urban development. The nature around Katowice is also astoundingly beautiful. Forests and flower fields as far as the eye can see, only occasionally interrupted by small villages, castles and country houses. The Giant Mountains loom in the background, named after the giant Rübezahl. Local tales say that he it is centuries old, lives underground and can take on any form imaginable. That might explain why he hasn't been seen for so long..

Practical information on your trip to Katowice

  • In Poland you pay with the zloty. You can pay with euros in some places, but not everywhere

  • There is no time difference between Poland and Eindhoven

  • The emergency number in Poland is the same as in the Netherlands: 112

  • You don't need a travel adapter in Poland

  • It's perfectly safe to drink the tap water in Poland, although you may find it contains more chlorine than we're used to in the Netherlands

Pictures of Katowice

Silesian Museum in Katowice

Katowice by night

Liberation Square in Katowice

Flight tickets from Eindhoven to Katowice

You can fly from Eindhoven Airport directly to Katowice in Poland with Wizz Air.

Fly with this airline to Katowice

Wizz Air
Wizz Air

Wizz Air

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