“If it comes in a different colour, I want it”

Michiel van Herten from Eindhoven was fifteen years old when he lost his heart to aeroplanes. Over the years he has photographed more than 34,000 military and civilian aircraft and recorded their history. “Some people collect stamps, others go fishing. I love planes and follow the developments of the serial numbers,” he explains matter-of-factly. Van Herten, board member of plane spotting association Eindhoven Welschap Aviation Society, is a familiar face at Eindhoven Airport and Eindhoven Air Base. Depending on the weather and what planes are expected, you'll find the spotter every week on the roof of parking garage P4 of Eindhoven Airport - a popular spotting location. “Regardless of the wind and runway direction, it give perfect views until about half past two. It's no use after then because the sun starts to shine in your lens.” It is the dynamics that attract him. Aircraft change owners, some get a different colour design and fly different routes. Van Herten: “If it comes in another colour, I want it on film again”