For taxi companies

As of February 1, 2022, the interpretation of taxi transport at Eindhoven Airport has changed. The taxi concession strip in the forecourt will from then on be operated by a “taxi handler” based on an open market principle.

Entry Market

All taxi companies that register with the handling agent can register for the boarding market and indicate their availability. When the maximum number of taxis in the forecourt has been reached, you can register for the digital queue. As soon as a place becomes available, it will be offered in sequence in the queue and you can still indicate whether you are available at that time. This is done via an app of the handling agent. The details of the handling agent can be found at the bottom of this page.

Ordered transport (picking up passenger(s))

All taxi companies that register with the handling agent have access to the taxi lane in the forecourt of the airport to pick up their passenger(s). The details of the handling agent can be found at the bottom of this page.

WMO transport

WMO transport with wheelchair-bound passenger(s), who travel with a specific IATA code, are excluded from the explicit prohibition of dropping off passengers in the taxi lane of the forecourt. Carriers can report to the handling agent for the amended terms and conditions. The details of the handling agent can be found at the bottom of this page.

Drop off passengers

Dropping off passengers in the taxi lane in the forecourt of the airport is explicitly not allowed. To do this, you must use the Kiss&Ride in the P1 parking garage. The airport wants to keep the number of vehicle movements in the forecourt as small as possible in order to guarantee peace and safety in the forecourt.

For questions and/or more information, we refer you to the taxi handler RVC Nederland B.V. RVC Netherlands can be reached via: Email: Phone: 0888080680 Website: