Actively steering improvement of air quality


In steps, we are replacing the equipment we use on the apron. Generators and vehicles powered by fossil fuels are making way for electrified alternatives in order to reduce emissions on the apron to zero by 2030. The trial with the airlines of taxiing with reduced power will give us an insight into the reduction of emissions as well as noise.

Particulate matter

With TNO we started a study on the presence of ultrafine dust on the airport apron. Based on that data, we can assess whether and how improvements can be made. Because ultrafine dust is still a relatively new topic, there are still no legal or health-based limits; however, there are advisory values for exposure. Eindhoven Airport considers it important to gain more insight into the concentrations of ultrafine dust on the apron. Measurements were therefore carried out on the apron.

Commissioned by Eindhoven Airport, TNO conducted measurements of ultrafine dust concentrations on the apron from April 7 to May 9, 2022. These showed, among other things, that the 8-hour averages for part of the time were above the RIVM's nano reference values of 50,000 particles per cubic centimeter.

Read below the TNO research report (in Dutch) on the concentrations of ultrafine dust on the apron.

On the advice of TNO, Eindhoven Airport had TNO conduct exposure measurements between May 1 and June 30, 2023 to gain more insight into ultrafine dust amount to which employees on the apron are exposed. Exposure measurements were taken among four representative job groups after consultation with TNO and after taking stock at all partner companies. The exposure study showed that some job groups exceeded the advisory value of 50,000 particles per cubic centimeter. As a result of the results, Eindhoven Airport has discussed with its operational partners (additional) measures to reduce ultrafine dust emissions and exposure.

The intention is to repeat the exposure study in 2026 to measure the effect of the measures to be taken.

Read below the TNO research report (in Dutch) on ultrafine dust concentrations on the platform.

The airport has been making efforts to reduce emissions in various ways for some time. For example, Eindhoven Airport encourages fleet renewal by lowering the Landing & Take-Off Charges from April 2023. In addition, from 2030 only the latest generation (cleaner and quieter) aircraft will be welcome at Eindhoven Airport. Also, all Diesel-powered aircraft and equipment will be electrified by 2030 at the latest. Currently, more than half of the ramp equipment is already electric. Some additional additional measures being looked at to reduce ultrafine dust emissions and exposure include; particulate filters at GPUs, other pushback positions, Steering for less APU use, and cab aircraft more sustainably, use of other fuels, ventilation systems in buildings, work schedules and personal protective equipment for employees. Relevant measures will be implemented as soon as possible.

Click here for an explanation from TNO on ultrafine dust (in Dutch).

TNO-rapport ultrafijnstofconcentraties op platform

TNO report concentrations ultrafine dust (Dutch only)


TNO report exposure ultrafine dust (Dutch only)
