Public transport

Eindhoven Airport can easily and quickly be reached by various modes of public transport. Next to the terminal (located in P1) you will find the bus stop where you can get on and off. Eindhoven Airport can be reached from Eindhoven Central Station by bus 400 and 401. From NS station Best you can take bus line 20 to Eindhoven Airport.

Lines 400 and 401 each run several times an hour to Eindhoven Airport. Look for current times on the website of Hermes.

Buy your train ticket

You can buy your train ticket easily, from every station in the Netherlands to Eindhoven Airport. Please note: from Eindhoven Central, you travel to Eindhoven Airport by bus.

Please take note

There are no public transport charging points available at Eindhoven Airport.

Route plan

At the moment we cannot provide direct public transport information. For current public transport information, please visit the following sites: